WCECC’s Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system is at the core of operations. The software program currently in use is Omnigo Solutions (formerly known as ITI) located in St Louis and is used to log emergency and non-emergency calls and keep track of unit allocations. This CAD system allows us to collect information provided by a reporting party which is then dispatched to Emergency Responders based on the type of call and the location of the incident. CAD connects with other user agencies’ reporting software to provide them access to the information and then stores this data creating a historical record of events.
CAD works hand in hand with GIS/Mapping to give the dispatcher and responder a location of the incident. When a 911 call is received, the location is pinpointed on the ESRI map – giving the dispatcher more resources to dispatch the call to the appropriate responder(s). Responder agencies have the ability to track their vehicles using AVL (automated vehicle locator) technology which also displays on the map.
An “Alert” feature allows dispatch to flag locations, people and vehicles which will display when the parameters are set. This feature can be used for ENS numbers, directions, medical information provided by caretakers, responder safety, key and gate code information.
Agencies and individual users also have the ability to “opt in” to have notifications sent regarding calls they are assigned to. These can be in the format of text messages, reports or emails and once configured are done automatically on the back end by the software. This feature adds another layer of redundancy to improve communications and accuracy.
Integrating with the CAD system, WCECC uses Priority Dispatch’s software ProQa to process medical calls which helps gain valuable information for Medical Responders and provides over-the-phone instructions for CPR, Heimlich, Control Bleeding and Baby Delivery (to name a few). This integration allows for easy launching of the software and transfers the interrogation information directly into the appropriate CAD call. With the ability to limit access to this information to medical personnel, we are able to comply with HIPAA standards.
To assure the most accurate information is kept up to date, the WCECC Operations Manager manually inputs the necessary configurations. Personnel, notification and address changes are an ongoing task that requires minimal time; however more complicated changes, such as response plans and adjunct program integration, often require days to weeks to complete. Since this is managed locally, WCECC has the most up to date information available to assist our users and our citizens.